A new Philips innovation


A new Philips innovation
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CMND Webinar 04/04/19
March 14, 2019 by

As the first webinar was a huge success we have decided to organize a second one for everybody who wasn't able to join the first one. Please have a look at the time and date and the registration link can be found below. 

The webinar will touch upon the following topics:

  • CMND & Control for Pro TV
  • CMND & Control for Signage
  • CMND & Create
  • CMND & Check-In

The presentation will be technically driven and will be explained by a hands-on experience with CMND.

The webinar will be held on the 4th of April at 10:00 - 12:30 CET and will make use of the GoToWebinar software.


This webinar has ended. Thanks to all the participants!! Please keep an eye out for any new webinars announced here.